Development plans for a $120 million seniors living village development at Merewether Golf Club in Newcastle have advanced after receiving a nod of approval from the regional planning panel.
The senior living precinct would sit within the golf course located between Adamstown and Merewether, with the proposed project to include 148 serviced units within a tower development.
Thirdi Group and Merewether Golf Club’s plans were given concept approval by the Hunter and Central coast Regional Planning Panel. The proposal, including the wellness centre, comprises four separate towers on two podiums above car parking.
Merewether Golf Club captain Aaron Spalding said the project would help secure the club’s financial future, after starting the process four years ago.
“It also paves the way for significant investment to take place in our course infrastructure and facilities, something that was really important to our members when we decided to explore this type of partnership with Thirdi Group.”

▲ The existing site plan.marchese partners
The project, which was announced by the club in 2016, involves a 99-year lease of the development land to Thirdi Group.
“These are the sorts of developments our community needs in a Covid-19 recovery,” Thirdi Group’s Luke Berry said.
“We estimate that our project will create over 1000 jobs in the region during construction and close to 100 ongoing jobs when the new club, facilities and seniors living village is operational.”
The site compatibility certificate, granted by the planning panel, ensures development proposals are broadly compatible with land uses, before advancing to the development application lodgement stage.
Thirdi Group will now work with the club to finalise its development application, with plans to lodge the project with Newcastle City Council by mid-year.
See full article here: https://theurbandeveloper.com/