
Merewether Golf Club has been given major development approval to create a senior living precinct within the golf course between Adamstown and Merewether.
The $120 million project includes the creation of 148 serviced, self-care seniors living units and wellness center, within a multi-story tower.
A new clubhouse will also be constructed with a new restaurant, sports bar, pro shop & conference centre.
The development is estimated to create more than a thousand jobs during construction.
100 ongoing jobs will also be created when the new club, facilities and seniors living village are operational.1 of 4

Real estate developer Thirdi Group is partnering with the golf club with the development.
Director of Project Management, Robert Huxley said the developer is now looking forward to finalise its development application.
“We now look forward to working with Newcastle City Council… and deliver on
our promise to create one of the best Golf Clubs & Seniors Living precincts ever seen in the Newcastle & Hunter Region”.
Merewether Golf Club board member Aaron Spalding said they’ve been working on the project for close to 5 years.
“Not only will this development help secure our clubs future, it also paves the way for significant investment to take place in our course infrastructure and facilities.”
Reporter Tyson Cottrill will have more details tonight at 6.